Ask Me What is True? Training

As part of our “What is True?” service, we offer a media literacy training and certification course. By completing the course and becoming “Ask Me What is True?” certified, you will learn how to determine the accuracy of information and how to consume — and digest — news and other information in a responsible manner. With the certification, you can then teach the course (which is 2 hours in length) to civic and community groups, your friends and family, and beyond. They will then be certified, which helps us in our quest to debunk disinformation and misinformation throughout southeast Mississippi.
We also offer condensed versions of the training (ranging in length from 30 minutes to 1 hour). Ask us about these options!
“Ask Me What is True?” covers these sections:
— Introduction to Media Literacy.
— Understanding Media and News Sources.
— Identifying Disinformation and Misinformation.
— Analyzing Media Messages and Techniques.
— Practicing Critical Thinking.
Trainings are currently scheduled for these dates and locations:
— Feb. 28 (9-11 a.m.) at the Hattiesburg campus (Cook Library 206Z). This training is free and open to the public, but seats are limited. Register by calling Community Liaison Joshua Wilson at 601-266-4265 or by sending him an email.
To request a training session for your group or organization or to learn more about this service, please contact Community Liaison Joshua Wilson by phone at 601-266-4265 or by email at [email protected].